'sinnlos' is the German word for 'useless'.
It means, that I do not like this operating system. It can also be interpreted
like: The requirements for this operating system can not be fulfilled
by this laptop.
Everyone knows:
Aircoditioned Room, DO NOT open WINDOWS |
My lantern illuminated by a candle, I use for the traditional all year walk with lantern!
My opinion: You are never too old for this tradition mainly performed my
technical data:
- diameter: 26cm
- 15 hexagons with images
The shape is the one of a soccer ball (means 20 hexagons 12 pentagons)
(I am no soccer fan! Only the construction of the ball is interesting).
The tower was made by me as a part of a curse of art at school (12th class)
Gymnasium in 1993. The pupil could freely choose the material to create a kind
of building.
I decided to use the packing of a popular sweet called 'Überraschungsei'
(German for 'surprise-egg').
- height: 115 cm
- material: 190.5 packings of this sweet
architecture-fantasy drawn with pencils.(left)
An extreme perspective in a pencil drawing (right) |
air-brush |
A pretty penguin (TUX), which becomes more and more popular |
"Victim of a primitive trap"
My inspirations were:
1. people who always have their hands in the pockets
2. Data (Star Trek) who was himself a victim of a primitive trap of this kind.
my first try with air brushing.
My sports teacher Herr Arent forbid to wear this t-shirt during his sport
He said that this is some kind of denying to do my best in his lesson.
my favorite heroes:
Hank , Pauli , the elephant (from left to right).
This are all figures of the German tv program for children. |
The design is taken form the biggest German telephone-company called Telecom.
The translation can be done in two ways.
1) 'T error' which means 'Telecom error'.
2) 'Terror' which means 'terror'.
(customers often complains about the customer service of this
monopole company.)
The other t-shirt 'teuer' means 'expensive'. In comparison with other
countries phone calls were always quite expensive in Germany. The main reason
is that the Telecom has the monopole for this service. |
A statement about the cpu-family of a big vendor. |
There is a tradition in Germany to design a t-shirt for the
last day in school. This is the one I made.
In the year 1994 I was the only at my school who had an
Abi-t-shirt because an error while the planning occurred.
historical wisdom:
Aller Dinge Maß ist der Mensch,
der seienden, daß sie sind,
der nicht seienden, daß sie nicht sind.
(Protagoras 500 v.Chr)
I think I am not able to translate this to English
t-shirt with the tag : "Der Kluge schafft Ordnung, das
Genie beherrscht das Chaos."
which means:
'Wise people make order, a genius rules the chaos.' |
my second try to use the air-brush technique. |
improvised t-shirt |
t-shirt with the wisdom of the tv alien (called ALF):
"Das Leben ist eine Krankheit, die tödlich endet!"
translation: 'The life is an illness which ends with the death!' |
Jacket with a pun about my first name (which means and is nearly
written like the German word for 'people' ['Folke' 'Volke']).
The text is taken from the German constitution 20th paragraph.
The text means: All power of the government is based on the German people.